I’m Justinah Kay - an artist, illustrator & SURFACE PATTERN designer.

We carry our childhood with us
— Gary D. Schmidt


When I was a kid, reportedly, I could spend the whole day on the floor drawing long-haired trees, birds with handbags and weirdly looking insects. From an early age, I loved everything wacky and unusual. No surprise Hieronymus Bosch was my first ever favourite artist. Some may say his art is not quite suitable or “aesthetically pleasing” for a child however, I’ve been fascinated by his visionary imagination since I was 3 years old. Since my mum owned an extensive art books collection, I had chosen wisely!

Then I got to the kindergarten, and one day during the “The Best Winter Portrait” contest, I used a blue crayon to depict the snow. Every other kid was making it white, so I remember being pretty pleased with myself. Apparently, I developed a pretty rebellious attitude from a very young age. My teacher, however (for the purpose of that story, let’s call her Miss Jarecka), clearly didn’t get my artistic expression and disapproved of my colour choice in front of other children.

My mum got furious when she found out and took me away from the establishment. Sadly the damage had been done, and that incident killed the first streak of artistic confidence in me. Thank you, NOT, Miss Jarecka.

Creativity Takes Courage
— Henri Matisse


I’ve been trying my best to beat in me that coward bastard called “self-doubt” since that unfortunate event in kindergarten.

It took me years to come back where I truly believe I belong. Creativity is the only way for me to thrive.

After many years spent in corporations and startups, doing odd jobs from building businesses, branding and marketing, developing products to business intelligence and project management, I came to the realisation that if you don’t follow your heart, you will get a hard time finding happiness in life. I let “Miss Jarecka” take over me for way too long - but now I’m back for good, so watch that space!

Colour is my day-long obsession, joy, and torment.
— Claude Monet


I’m passionate about colour. Almost to the degree that it has become an obsession of mine. I remember an office kitchen (back in the corporate times), full of mugs in different colours and sizes. I used to have my favourite shape, which I enjoyed my chai tea the most. Every day though, I chose a different colour as it always had to go with my outfit! (I know, I know, pretty hysterical..)

I believe colour is the most crucial element of my work - it’s my dominant creative force. Designing patterns and transforming them into something different every time using various shades and combinations of colours is the most satisfying and enjoyable part of my process.


Thank you for stepping by!

If you like my work (or don’t - feedback is always much appreciated),

please drop me an email on jk [at] justinahcreative [dot] com